Parish of
St Margaret Clitherow
Parish of
St Margaret Clitherow
Parish of
St Margaret Clitherow

Parish Blog


Welcome to the first blog post of our newly revamped parish website. I am grateful to those who have made this possible.

Parishioners tell me that the revamping of the website is something that has been on the cards for a while now.  It has taken some time to get here but we have at least achieved our goal.  Everything comes to the one who waits.

This site is still in the development phase.  Other features, articles and info will be added as the weeks pass.  The main thing is we have made a start!! 

I hope that you like the new site and will visit it from time to time to keep up to date with parish life.  Better still, rather than be a website worshipper why don’t you come along and join in our parish community?  You will be very welcome.