Parish of
St Margaret Clitherow
Parish of
St Margaret Clitherow
Parish of
St Margaret Clitherow

Parish Blog

Rapping Sisters

The #hot16challenge in Poland is a nationwide charitable RAPPING movement, in which people produce their own RAP musical (with some special message of their own choosing) and subsequently nominate others publicly to do likewise. The President, other politicians, countless celebs and all & sundry have been doing this to raise money for charity – primarily to support health-workers/support-staff and medical institutions – at this time of crisis.

The Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy at the Sanctuary of Divine Mercy in Łagiewniki on the outskirts of Kraków have put together this little compilation. Some of the words of the rap are given below together with a translation with the central message – Jezu ufam Tobie – Jesus I trust in you.

“Rapowanie nie jest trudne, rapowanie nie jest nudne,
wystarczy, że powiesz Jezu ufam Tobie.
Cokolwiek też w życiu twoim się wydarza,
potrzebujesz wsparcia, pieniędzy, lekarza.
ale w tej twojej potrzebie, Bóg ma łaskę dla ciebie.
Nie chcemy maski, chcemy Twojej łaski,
Łaski, łaski, miłosiernej łaski…”

“Rapping is not difficult, rapping is not boring,
you just say Jesus I trust in you.
Whatever happens to you in your life,
you need support, money, doctor.
but in this need, God has grace for you.
We do not want a mask, we want your grace,
Grace, grace, merciful grace…”