2nd to 8th December 2020 marks National Grief Awareness Week. The aim of the week is to:
- Raise awareness of the impact of grief
- Make people aware of the breadth of support available.
- Create a unified voice and national platform for all bereavement services
The 2 key messages for the week are:
1. Distance should not mean we cannot share our grief.
Due to the pandemic, it has and continues to be extremely difficult for people to reach out to family and friends for a much-needed hug and human connection. This has caused a huge amount of additional distress. However, distance should not prevent us from reaching out and sharing our grief.
2. Our story could become someone’s hope.
Many people have not been able to share their stores of grief this year, meaning the bereaved have often felt lonelier and more isolated. Sharing stories of grief can help those grieving to know the person who has died will be remembered. It can help the bereaved person to begin to process their grief. Sharing stories helps others to understand the impact of grief and loss, enabling conversations to take place, opening emotions and feelings that are often difficult to express.
Further information can be found at: https://www.thegoodgrieftrust.org/
On Tuesday 8th December 2020, at 5pm, we will mark a moments silence for those who have died and the bereaved.
At 6pm, key buildings across the UK and Greater Manchester will be lit up in yellow as a symbol of hope.
Bishop John has kindly recorded a message which will be aired during the week
We are hoping to hold a virtual Interfaith Service, on 8th December, to coincide with Evensong at St Pauls Cathedral, the details of this are currently being finalised.